

来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2024-06-19

根据相关消息,墨尔本大学部分课程不能申请延期, 如果学生申请了相关的专业考虑延期入学的话, 需要重新递交申请。是否需要再支付一笔申请费以申请系统为准。 


Melbourne Business School

Master of International Business

Master of Management

Master of Management (Accounting)

Master of Management (Accounting and Finance)Master of Management (Finance)

Master of Management (Human Resources)

Master of Management (Marketing)

Master of Finance

Master of Finance (Enhanced)

Melbourne Graduate School of Education

Master of Education 2024 to 2025 Intake

Faculty of Engineering and lT

Master of Software Engineering

Master of Information Systems

Master of Information Technology

Master of Computer Science

Faculty of Science

Master of Data Science

Melbourne Law School

Master of Laws

Juris Doctor

Faculty of Arts

*All Programs*

Master of Global Media Communication

Master of Marketing Communications

Master of Translation and lnterpreting

Master of Arts and Cultural Management

Master of Applied Linguistics

Executive Master of Arts

Master of Publishing and Communications

Master of Art Curatorship

Master of Creative Writing,Publishing & Editing

Master of Journalism

Master of lnternational Journalism

Master of International Relations

Master of Public Policy and Management

Master of Development Studies

Master of Social Policy

Master of Cultural Material Conservation

Master of Criminology

All Other Programs from Arts Faculty

Melbourne School of Health Sciences

Master of Nursing Science

        沃得天下由资深“老海归”创办,以丰富的申请经验和敏锐的职业规划方向感,为学子提供海外院校申请规划!我们用心创造,精益求精!得“沃得” 者得“天下”!我们力避千篇一律,坚持量身定制,为学生出国留学行天下打造专属申请方案!来沃得天下,从此与众不同……咨询电话:010-65177899。