[英国专家] 英国留学六所名校材料专业解读
来源:www.wdtwd.com 作者:沃得天下 时间:2016-04-26

专业推荐:MSc in Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
课程介绍:This MSc is a stand-alone qualification designed to prepare students to solve problems in Materials Science and Engineering under the exacting conditions we encounter today. The programme is broad, covering many aspects of both the science of materials and engineering applications. It will include course work, projects, exams and original research.
Entry Requirements
Normally a first or good 2:1 honours BEng or MEng degree or equivalent overseas qualification in Materials Science and Engineering is required. 一等或二等一荣誉学位(90分以上或85分以上)
英国留学材料专业:UCL 伦敦大学学院
专业推荐:Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering生物材料与组织工程
Modules are taught by several experts in UCL and involve mainly the Department of Mechanical Engineering with significant contributions from the Division of Medicine. Several eminent visiting lecturers also give frequent colloquia and an industrial visit to a prominent UK healthcare company is organised each year.
The second part of the programme, from Easter to September, is spent on an individual project under the supervision of a member of academic staff. The student normally selects the project from a list of projects proposed by the department's staff and other partners (see above). In some cases students may suggest their own project topic provided a member of staff is willing to adopt and supervise that project. The output from good projects is regularly presented at conferences and published in journals.
录取标准 A minimum of a second-class Honours degree from a UK university in a suitable engineering subject or appropriate medical qualification or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. 二等一荣誉学位(85分)
雅思 6.5单项不低于6
学费 21,000英镑
Materials Chemistry has emerged as an important sub-discipline within Chemistry. It cross-cuts the traditional Organic/Inorganic/Physical boundaries of Chemistry and overlaps many disciplines from Engineering to the Biosciences.
Materials chemists now have a leading role in areas such as microelectronics, polymer science, catalysis and nanotechnology. They also make an important contribution to areas of more traditional chemistry such as the pharmaceutical sector where understanding the 'physical properties' of intermediates and products is now recognised as essential in optimising the synthesis and properties of pharmaceutically active ingredients in medicines.
所在地区:苏格兰 格拉斯哥
This MSc draws upon a wide range of advanced Masters-level courses. You will have the flexibility to tailor your choice of optional lecture courses and project work to a wide variety of specific research topics and their applications in the area of advanced materials.
You will attend lectures, seminars and tutorials and take part in lab, project and team work.
学费 16,500英镑
所在地区:英格兰 诺丁汉
The MSc in Advanced Materials is designed for science and engineering graduates who wish to develop expertise in modern high performance materials.
Industrial sectors such as aerospace, automotive and energy require advanced materials which may have to operate in challenging environments while delivering high levels of performance.
The course develops an understanding of the properties for a wide range of engineering materials from polymer composites to light-metal alloys, the effect of processing and surface engineering on the properties of a material, and analytical techniques used for materials characterisation.
It provides the knowledge and skills required for a career in materials research and product development of high performance materials.
学费: 15,720英镑
所在地区:英格兰 谢菲尔德
This interdisciplinary course gives you a solid grounding in the many disciplines involved in nanotechnology, and the skills to apply your knowledge to real problems.
Our two nanotechnology masters are run jointly with the University of Leeds. Approximately half of your coursework is based at Leeds, half at Sheffield, so travel between the two cities is kept to a minimum. Leeds is about 45 minutes from Sheffield by train. Seminars never start before 10:00am.