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[美国高中] 中考后留学:面试官喜欢问什么

来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2015-06-24


       1. What’s your name?How old are you?
       2. Could you introduce yourself?
       3. What’s your school’s name and what grades are you in? Which grade would you like to apply?
       4. Why you choose our school? / how do you know our school?/Do you apply our school by yourself? /Who helps you submit your application?
       5. What do you know about our school? Did you visit our school’s website?
       6. Tell me something about your course, what’s your favorite subject?
       7. What course (subject)have been most difficult or challenging for you?
       8. Do you like your high school?
       9. Who is your favorite teacher? And why?
       10. What kind of book or movie do you like?
       11. Do you have any extracurricular activity experience?
       12. What major do you want to study when you be in college?
       13. What do you like to do when you are free(when you have leisure time)?
       14. Do you have any relatives or friends in USA?
       15. Why do you want to study in America?
       16. What sports do you like best? What’s your favourite sport?
       17. Have you been to America? Which state (city) have you visited?
       18. Could you introduce your family members ?How many people are there in your family?
       19. What does your father do? What’s your father’s job?
       20. What do you think about your English level(spoken English, reading English, writing English)?
       21. Who is the most important people in your life ? Who influences you deeply?
       22. Did you apply other schools except our school? What are they?