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来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2024-02-28






请参阅下面的学位课程列表,这些学位具有2024年CET打包offer的配额。 这些名额由学院/学院发放, 当您收到有配额的学位的CET打包录取通知书时,请务必尽早采取行动并准备好您的文件以完成入学。


Postgraduate Degrees:

Master of Media Practice/Graduate Diploma in Media Practice/ Graduate Certificate in Media Practice

Master of Digital Communication and Culture/ Graduate Diploma in Digital Communication and Culture / Graduate Certificate in Digital Communication and Culture

Master of Economics/Graduate Diploma in Economics/Graduate Certificate in Economics

Master of Laws/Graduate Diploma in Laws

Master of International Law/Graduate Diploma in International Laws

Master of Business Law/ Graduate Diploma in Business Laws

Master of Computer Science

Master of Computer Science (Advanced)

Master of Commerce

Master of Commerce (Extension)

Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Audio)

Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art (Illumination)

Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Art/ Graduate Diploma in Interaction Desing and Electronics Arts

Master of Physiotherapy

Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Master of Diagnostic Radiography

Master of Occupational Therapy

Doctor of Physiotherapy

Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

Graduate Certificate/Diploma

Graduate Certificate in Computer Science

Graduate Diploma in Computer Science

Undergraduate Degrees:

Bachelor of Design in Architectur

Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honours) and Master of Architecture

Bachelor of Engineering Honours (Civil) and Bachelor of Design in Architecture

Bachelor of Applied Science (Diagnostic Radiography)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science)

Bachelor of Applied Science and Bachelor of Advanced Studies (Exercise and Sport Science)

Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise Physiology)

Bachelor of Oral Health

Bachelor of Science and Master of Nutrition and Dietetics

Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) / Master of Pharmacy Practice

Bachelor of Psychology Honours

Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

University degree cannot be packaged with DEC

Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Studies)

Bachelor of Arts/Master of Nursing

Bachelor of Science/Master of Nursing

Bachelor of Science (Health)/Master of Nursing

Master of Nursing

Doctor of Medicine

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and all combined MBBS

Juris Doctor

Master of Speech Language Pathology

Master of Occupational Therapy

Master of Speech Language Pathology

Master of Occupational Therapy

University degree streams that can be packaged with DEC


临床流行病学 - 注意:此课程仅适用于第一学期入学的国际学生。

感染和免疫 - 注意:课程从 2023 年 S2 到 2026 年暂停



临床流行病学 - 注意:此课程仅适用于第一学期入学的国际学生。

感染和免疫 - 注意:课程从 2023 年 S2 到 2026 年暂停。


        沃得天下由资深“老海归”创办,以丰富的申请经验和敏锐的职业规划方向感,为学子提供海外院校申请规划!我们用心创造,精益求精!得“沃得” 者得“天下”!我们力避千篇一律,坚持量身定制,为学生出国留学行天下打造专属申请方案!来沃得天下,从此与众不同……咨询电话:010-65177899。