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来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2016-11-14


       尽管从1982年以来,加拿大就拥有了立法和修宪的权利,但至今仍然尊英王为国家最高元首,而许多的传统也和母国英国有着千丝万缕的联系,当然十月中最重要的节日感恩节也和大家平时所理解的美国的感恩节不同。美国和加拿大都会过感恩节 (Thanksgiving Day) ,但不是同一天,不同于美国,加拿大的感恩节是无关宗教的。庆丰收、感谢大自然、感谢慈爱上帝,赐给我们丰沛的阳光与甘露,让谷物生长,使我们平安又度过一年,是感恩的主题。
       一家人团聚一堂,享用烤火鸡和南瓜派是最经典的感恩节画面。可是你知道为什么是火鸡和南瓜呢? 想当初物力维艰,放眼望去,只有满地的野生火鸡和盛产的南瓜,自然而然就成为时令的佳肴了。
       一般的主妇喜欢越大越好,因为当天吃不完的,巧手就可变化成火鸡派、火鸡馅饼,颇有我们吃年菜的味道。 至于南瓜派,加拿大最传统的吃法,是淋上盛产的蔓越莓酱汁(Cranberry sauce)。
       I’m going to talk about school today.  It has so far been a month of school for me and I have to say that it feels good to have the feeling of remembering weather there is homework or not. It’s been great so far in the school year with Halloween coming up. I understand you might not know what Halloween is so I’m going to explain it to you. What it is for most people is what you do at the time year. You have multiple reasons for participating in this holiday. One reason is that you go out and trick-or-treat. What this is is basically you dress up as someone something. Preferably, people dress up as people in stories of from made up things like people from movies. Some others dress up as ghosts and reapers and things like that. The other option is you act like your age and try to scare people. 
       Now that Halloween is over with, Time to talk about other thing like thanksgiving. This is yet another holiday you guys don’t celebrate. What it is is to give thanks to everything you can think of. It’s basically based on how the Europeans came over and inhabited The Americas. After that. It’s your own choice why you celebrate this holiday. It could be because of your religion or where you live. It also just be because there is turkey to eat. Yup, what almost everyone does this time of year is eat turkey. How the natives did it was they ate a couple pieces of corn and waited for a little bit before they feasted. This was done to remember how they lacked food at one point but now they are plentiful. For that, they give thanks. That’s also why you eat turkey. To represent a feast witch in modern times it’s just a big lunch or supper. That’s basically all I have so far.