My Academy

沃得学院 My Academy是由具有10余年国内外丰富英语教学经验的名家教师和职业规划师、留学专家共同打造的英语培训课程。

重在培养学生适应海外学习和生活以及出国前需要准备的各项标准化考试,如TOEFL、IELTS和SAT以及SSAT考试,My Academy给予学生最适合的教学方案、最贴心的课程辅导、最有效的学习方法、最紧迫的提分途径,My Academy每个学生自己的学院,来到这里,开启每个学生的英语之路,这里是通向世界名校的必经之路、这里也是发现每个学生英语潜能的My Academy。

加入沃得学院,感受真正的英语之声,探索求学人生路,享受快乐的世界之行,Welcome to My Academy!

My Academy has a strong team of experienced specialists including star English teachers, professional career development facilitators, and experienced consultants, which was founded by Ms. QiaoMei Han and Ms. Jing Han. The first centre opened in Beijing, China.

Our goal was an enriched learning experience with a lifelong impact. For the past several years, our team has helped hundreds of students around China learn the essential skills they need to live and study in foreign countries, and some requisite standard tests such as TOEFL, IELTS and SAT / SSAT.

Based on years of research into how students learn, My Academy designed a radically new approach to teaching.

we offers 30 tutorials, including more than 30 lessons, videos, and interactives, completely free. If you’re willing to learn, we’re ready to teach. All you need is an Internet connection.


沃得天下由资深“老海归”创办,集结留学业界权威咨询师和多年海外生活人士、留学专家组成沃得团队,用丰富的实践申请经验和敏锐的职业规划方向感打造最适合学生的留学计划,在学生迷茫无助时给予贴心指导和专业建议, 协助学生做好标准化考试培训、职业规划设计、海外主题活动策划等全方位活动安排和申请工作以及前景发展规划。


能走多远,靠的不是个人,是支持与力量!能攀多高,靠的不是身体,是陪伴和坚持!Let’s go一起向着有光的地方奔跑,需要的是爱心和信念!在沃得天下,走自己的海外之路,Do yourself and fly higher! 有沃得Family,海外之路不再是孤军奋战,我们一起携手并肩,追逐更棒的你!


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