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来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2021-10-09





>>Select school & major;

>>Prepare application materials;

>>Scan and sort the prepared data.




>>耐心等待 4-8 周时间;




>>Wait patiently for 4-8 weeks;

>>Submit supplementary materials (if any) in accordance with the requirements of the school;

>>IELTS preparation;

>>Try to improve or maintain an even score (current students).

接受录取:12 月or学校截止日期之前



>>Before the deadline, confirm whether you accept it or not, it will be regarded as abandoning the school;

>>If you accept, you will generally be asked to pay the deposit required by the school, which is what we usually call the reservation fee.



Language classes: generally start in March, you must have an IELTS score before you can apply.


担保金准备:2022年 6 月上




>> Deposit guarantee money under personal account;

>>After 28 days of deposit, the bank will issue a certificate of deposit;

>>Scan the deposit receipt and certificate of deposit.

雅思达标:2022年 7 月上



>>Provide a scanned copy of UKVI's IELTS transcript;

>>Provide a scanned copy of the passport.

接受录取:2022 年3- 7 月



>>Before the deadline, confirm whether to accept;

>>Pay the deposit required by the school (if any).


申请 CAS:2022 年 7 月


You can apply for cas after getting an unconditional offer.

体检:2022 年 4-8月




>>Date of appointment for physical examination;

>>Go to the hospital for physical examination on the agreed date;

>>Keep the original physical examination report.


签证材料准备:2022 年 7 月上



>>Prepare visa information;

>>Scan and sort the prepared data.

签证申请:2022 年 7 月中

>>按照约定的日期赴 VFS 中心提交签证;

>>向 VFS 中心支付签证申请费;



>>Go to the VFS center to submit the visa on the agreed date;

>>Pay the visa application fee to the VFS Center;

>>Record biometric fingerprints;

>>Participate in the video interview.

签证结果等待:2022 年 7 月中-8 月中


As long as the deposit certificate is compliant and other materials are compliant, it is generally not a problem.

住宿安排:2022 年 8 月-9月



>>获得学校宿舍 Offer 后,支付押金。

>>Determine the accommodation method;

>>Apply for school dormitory;

>>After getting the offer from the school dormitory, pay the deposit.

机票预定:2022 年 8 月-9月



>>Buy air tickets;

>> Confirm accommodation.

入学:2022 年9-10月开学

Successfully enrolled!
