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来源:http://www.wdtwd.com/        作者:admin        时间:2014-11-21




Optional Practical Training 的缩写,是美国F1学生签证毕业后的实习期。


F1签证学生可以在毕业之后有1年的Optional Practical Training时间,简称OPT,这段时间你有工作许可,可以为任何公司服务,但要求你干得必须跟你的专业有关,这段时间基本不受限制,可以在美国停留。


OPT申请要在你打算开始工作的日期前3-4个月开始,因为这有时候会办理比较长时间。OPT可以开始不是你毕业时间,而是完成你所有毕业所需课程的第二天。比如你今年5月份就毕业了,524号是你真正毕业日期,而515号你的全部课程结束,那么你可以在516号就开始OPT。如果你不想在516号开始,你可以选择从516-715号两个月之间任何日期开始,就是给你60天的grace period。如果你是5月毕业,7月的那个时间就必须要开始工作了。但是你要提前申请,比如你想516号开始,那么你1月底就申请,以此类推。



"Too often we're losing talent because after the enormous investments we make in students and researchers, we tell them to go home after they graduate. Part of staying competitive is making sure we have an immigration system that doesn't send away talent but attracts it."

然后大家都在猜测讨论是否要延长STEM学生的OPT时间,然后紧接着晚上7点多,有人在网络上爆出一份美国第一移民律师Greg Siskind的猜测总结。


I will make it easier and faster for high-skilled immigrants, graduates, and entrepreneurs to stay and contribute to our economy, as so many business leaders have proposed.



Are we a nation that educates the world’s best and brightest in our universities, only to send them home to create businesses in countries that compete against us? Or are we a nation that encourages them to stay and create jobs, businesses, and industries right here inAmerica?


Providing portable work authorization for high-skilled workers awaiting LPR status and their spouses. Under the current system, employees with approved LPR applications often wait many years for their visa to become available. DHS will make regulatory changes to allow these workers to move or change jobs more easily. DHS is finalizing new rules to give certain H-1B spouses employment authorization as long as the H-1B spouse has an approved LPR application.



Enhancing options for foreign entrepreneurs. DHS will expand immigration options for foreign entrepreneurs who meet certain criteria for creating jobs, attracting investment, and generating revenue in theU.S., to ensure that our system encourages them to grow our economy.



Strengthening and extending on-the-job training for STEM graduates of U.S universities. In order to strengthen educational experiences of foreign students studying science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) atU.S.universities, DHS will propose changes to expand and extend the use of the existing Optional Practical Training (OPT) program and require stronger ties between OPT students and their colleges and universities following graduation.

