
[热点阅读] 牛津词典版《五十度灰》来袭!你看过吗

来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2015-03-03

       With the release of the much-anticipated film adaptation of the best-selling novel Fifty Shades of Grey on 13 February, we thought that it might be time to take a look in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) and see how many shades of grey we could dig up. As it turns out, the OED gives EL James a run for the money, offering up more than 80 different synonyms for 'grey‘。 We have picked out fifty of them here for you to peruse:
       aluminium adj. 铝的 n. 铝
       ash n. 灰;灰烬
       battleship grey 战舰灰色
       bice n. 绿色,灰蓝色;灰蓝色颜料
       blae adj. 青灰色的;(方)深蓝色的n. 灰青炭质页岩
       blanket adj. 灰色,浅灰,淡蓝
       bone-grey 骨头灰
       butter-nut– A brownish-grey noted for being the colour of the Confederate uniforms during the American Civil War.
       canvas n. 帆布vt. 用帆布覆盖,用帆布装备adj. 帆布制的
       charcoal n. 木炭;炭笔vt. 用木炭画
       cinereous adj. 灰色的
       columbine adj. 鸽的;似鸽的;鸽色的
       crane n. 吊车,起重机;鹤vi. 伸着脖子看;迟疑,踌躇vt. 用起重机起吊;伸长脖子
       elephant's breath  约翰·福勒命名的颜色;与“石头”色相近。
       ferreous adj. 铁的;含铁的;硬如铁的
       ficelle-coloured 淡灰褐色
       field grey 场灰色
       flinty adj. 坚硬的;燧石似的;坚定不移的
       glawke 蓝色或灰色
       greige – A color between beige and grey, similar to that of undyed or unbleached fabric.
       grey adj. 灰色的;灰白的vt. 使变成灰色;使变老vi. 变成灰色;老化n. 灰色
       griseous 灰色条纹的; 灰色的
       grisy 灰色
       grizzly adj. 灰色的n. 灰熊
       grysande (苏格兰语)灰色
       gun-metal 炮铜
       hoary adj. 久远的,古老的;灰白的
       incandescent 变白
       kennet-colour 一种灰色
       leaden adj. 铅灰色的;铅制的;沉闷的;铅一般重的vt. 使沉重;使懒散;使呆滞
       London smoke – The OED observes, 'A fancy name for a dull shade of grey.'
       mole n. 鼹鼠;痣;防波堤;胎块;间谍
       neutral adj. 中立的,中性的;中立国的;非彩色的n. 中立国;中立者;非彩色;齿轮的空档
       Payne's grey – A composite pigment composed of blue, red, black, and white permanent pigments.
       pearly adj. 珍贵的;珍珠似的;生产珍珠的;用珍珠装饰的
       Pewter n. 白蜡;青灰色adj. 青灰色的;锡镴制的
       Plumby 铅灰色
       sabelline 黑貂毛皮色
       schistous adj.片岩的;片岩质的;片岩状的
       slate n. 板岩;石板;蓝色;石片vt. 铺石板;严厉批评某人;计划adj. 板岩的;石板色的
       smoky adj. 冒烟的;烟熏味的;熏着的;呛人的;烟状的
       steel n. 钢铁;钢制品;坚固vt. 钢化;使冷酷adj. 钢制的;钢铁业的;坚强的
       stone n. 石头;结石;[宝] 宝石adj. 石的,石制的vt. 向扔石块;用石头铺
       subcineritious 灰的颜色,浅灰色
       tattle-tale grey – An off-white color resulting from inadequate laundering
       walnyed 浅灰
       wan adj. 无血色的,苍白的;病态的;暗淡的vi. 变苍白vt. 使变苍白;使呈病态
       waterish adj. 湿的;潮湿的;充满水的