出国留学,最幸福的事情就是能够进入“梦校”,你的梦校是哪个呢?沃得天下为您准备了一道来自New York City的“名校大餐”,我们不妨换个角度来看看--纽约市Big Apple City大苹果市!说不定你的“梦校”就在这里呢!有图有真相,还有沃得天下的老师根据多年的申请经验给出的推荐,可以更好的给您做个参考。一起来看看吧!
“Columbia University is a private institution that was founded in 1754. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6,113, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 36 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Columbia University's ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 5. Its tuition and fees are $57,208 (2017-18). Located in New York City, Columbia is comprised of three undergraduate schools – Columbia College, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the School of General Studies – as well as a number of graduate and professional schools, including the highly ranked Business School, Teachers College, Law School and College of Physicians and Surgeons. The university also has a well-regarded Graduate School of Journalism.”
基本介绍:哥伦比亚大学始建于1754年,地处纽约市内,学制为学期制度,目前有在读本科生6113人次。在2018年美国国立大学排行榜中位居第5. 哥伦比亚大学有三个本科学院,哥伦比亚学院,Fu应用科学与工程学院,还有通识学习学院。研究生院排名比较高的有商学院,教师学院,法学院,以及医疗内科学院。特别是哥大的新闻学院更是闻名于世。
“CUNY—Baruch College is a public institution that was founded in 1919. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 15,210, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 3 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. CUNY—Baruch College's ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities North, 20. Baruch College is a City University of New York institution in Manhattan. The Newman Vertical Campus, a 17-story building, is the school's solution for college life in an urban location: Classrooms, research facilities, a recreation complex, a bookstore, a television studio and more are all housed in one blockwide complex.”
基本介绍:巴鲁克学院是一所以商科著名的位于美国纽约市曼哈顿熨斗区的公立大学,也是纽约市立大学的学院成员。巴鲁克学院现在共设有四个院系:Zicklin商学院,Weissman艺术与科学学院,公共事务学院以及继续与职业教育学院(The Division of Continuing and Professional Studies)。其中Zicklin商学院(Zicklin School of Business),是美国最大的商学院之一,提供大学本科学士、硕士、与博士学位。该校毗邻美国金融中心华尔街,由于得天独厚的地理优势,Zicklin商学院吸引了大批业界的资深教职员工,该校毕业生的就业率很高,很多毕业生都进入了美国顶尖的投资银行、金融公司工作。巴鲁克学院以商科特长在纽约市乃至全国著称,其金融工程硕士(MFE)项目,被誉为美国顶尖金工项目之一。
“Fordham University is a private institution that was founded in 1841. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 9,258, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 93 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Fordham University's ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 61. At Fordham University, "New York is [your] campus" as the school’s website says. With campuses throughout New York City, students live and learn in the thick of an urban experience. The school’s original Bronx campus, Rose Hill, is in walking distance to the Bronx Zoo, New York Botanical Gardens and Little Italy.”
基本介绍:福特汉姆大学是一所位于美国纽约市的世界知名私立研究型大学,前身是成立于1841年的纽约天主教会区的圣约翰学院(St. John's College),1907年学校更名为现在的名字。福特汉姆大学下设十大学院,其中四个为本科学院,六个是研究生学院,它同麻省理工学院、乔治城大学、西点军校等美国著名高校共同属于爱国者联盟。福特汉姆大学在纽约的知名程度仅次于康奈尔大学,哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学。福特汉姆大学的校园分布在纽约市区,分别是位于曼哈顿中城的林肯中心校区(Lincon Center)、位于布朗克斯的玫瑰山主校区(Rose Hill)以及位于市郊West Harrison县的韦斯切斯特校区(Westchester),在英国伦敦的肯辛顿亦设有海外学习中心。金融学,信息学,市场营销学等商科研究生专业常年占据全美TOP20。由于学校位于纽约曼哈顿的市中心,为所有学生提供及其全面的实习机会,就业率达90%以上。
“New York University is a private institution that was founded in 1831. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 26,135, and the setting is Urban. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. New York University's ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 30. New York University’s primary campus is located in the lively Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan. NYU is a true city school, with no borders separating a distinct campus from the streets of the Big Apple. Students are guaranteed housing for all four years in the many residence halls throughout Manhattan, but many upperclassmen choose to live off campus in apartments around the city. NYU has a small but active Greek life with more than 25 fraternity and sorority chapters. There are hundreds of student organizations on campus, such as NYU-TV, which operates both the University Channel and the Movie Channel to provide entertainment and information to the university community.”
基本介绍:纽约大学,简称“NYU”,是一所位于纽约的世界著名私立综合性研究型大学,成立于1831年。纽约大学由18个学院和研究所组成,已经成为全美国境内规模最大的私立非营利高等教育机构之一,同时也是美国一座位于纽约心脏地带的私立名校。作为全美TOP30名校,纽约大学被列为25所新常春藤名校之一,同时也是美国大学协会(AAU)成员之一 。纽约大学较为偏重人文及社会科学,研究生院享有极高声誉。属下的帝势艺术学院(Tisch School of the Arts)是全美艺术学院之一;斯特恩商学院(Leonard N. Stern School of Business)是蜚声世界的著名商学院,金融等专业连续排名全美前三 ;法学院为全美的6所法学院之一,这六所法学院也被称为“T6”超级法学院。
“Pace University is a private institution that was founded in 1906. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 8,914, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 218 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Pace University's ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 187. Its tuition and fees are $44,036 (2017-18). With two main campuses, Pace University offers its students two distinct collegiate experiences. At the school's New York City campus, students live and learn amid the bustle of Manhattan's Financial District. About 30 miles away, students can enjoy a suburban lifestyle on the school’s Westchester campus in Pleasantville, New York. Undergraduates have on-campus housing options at both locations, though many students choose to commute. Each campus also has its own selection of student organizations, including fraternities and sororities.”
基本介绍:佩斯大学建校于1906年,位于世界最大的经济金融中心纽约市,是纽约州面积最大的私立综合性大学之一。佩斯大学拥有两个独立校园,其中一个位于纽约市中心曼哈顿华尔街,另外一个位于纽约近郊的韦斯特切斯特郡,校园环境优美,生活设备完善,来自全球70多个国家的约12,000名学生在这里学习。佩斯大学的主要院系有鲁宾商学院,戴森艺术与科学学院,计算机与信息系统学院,教育学院,法学院,护理学院等。佩斯大学充分利用身处纽约这个国际性大都市的金融、艺术、科技中心等优势,让学生获益匪浅,同时为学生提供着无与伦比的机会。该大学在提供优质教育的同时,提供大量奖学金,旨在吸引世界各地的优秀学生前来就读。佩斯大学的实习项目被U.S.News & World Report评为纽约州第一,全美前十,福布斯排行榜把佩斯大学列入排名前20的“College That Will Make You Rich”,并被商业周末评为全美50所毕业生可获得高薪的学校之一。2011年在所有美国院校中,佩斯大学的毕业生就业率比全国平均水平高出12%,学生的平均职业生涯中期的收入为$ 95,200。
“Yeshiva University is a private institution that was founded in 1886. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,714, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 300 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Yeshiva University's ranking in the 2018 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 94. Yeshiva University is Jewish institution in New York City. The university is divided into three undergraduate colleges: Yeshiva College, the Stern College for Women and the Sy Syms School of Business, each at campuses throughout Manhattan. A university shuttle system transports students between campuses. The university also has a campus in Israel, where more than 600 students a year study through the S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program. Freshmen are not required to live on campus, though many choose to do so. There are dozens of student organizations on campus, from a computer science club to the Student Holocaust Education Movement. The Yeshiva Maccabees sports teams compete at the NCAA Division III level. The school has a Center for the Jewish Future, which sponsors projects like the YU Torah Online. Students design regular Shabbat programs, and produce publications at each campus, including newspapers The Commentator and The Observer.”
就此,大苹果市的几所典型美国高校给大家做了一个完整的介绍。纽约,这所全世界最繁华的大都市也有很多艺术名校,例如,帕森设计学院(Parsons School of Design at The New School),普瑞特艺术学院 (Pratt Institute) ,纽约视觉艺术学院(School of Visual Arts,缩写:SVA),苏富比艺术学院(Sotheby’s Institute of Art)等今后我们也会陆续给大家做详细介绍。
声明:本文为原创文章,作者:郭亮, 未经允许禁止转载。