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来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2018-01-18


       1) The phrase “Ivy League” was originally used it to describe several colleges football teams . . . in a disparaging way. New York Herald Tribune sportswriter Stanley Woodward first used the word “ivy” in a 1933, article referring to “a proportion of our eastern ivy colleges” meeting lesser powers in football games. The eight schools Woodward included in his nonexistent league were Columbia, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Brown, Princeton, Army and Penn (Cornell wasn’t included). The first use of the exact phrase “Ivy League” in print occurred in a 1935 story by Associated Press sports editor Alan Gould, and by that fall, Herald Tribune sportswriter Jesse Abramson had gone so far as to publish standings for the fictitious 10-team“Ivy Conference,” with Cornell and Navy thrown in.
       “常青藤联盟”原本是用一种贬低的方式来形容几个大学的橄榄球队。1933年体育作家Herald Tribune第一次使用了这个词语。他所提到的有以下学校:Columbia, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Brown, Princeton, Army and Penn。
       2) Yale’s famed secret society, the Skull& Bones Society owns the remains of Apache chief Geronimo. In 2009, his descendants sued the club for his remains and LOST. The students allegedly stole from his grave at a prisoner-of-war cemetery at Fort Sill, Okla., around1918, and brought to its headquarters in New Haven, Conn.
       3) The University of Pennsylvania was founded in 1740. You did not misread that. Yes, it existed 47 years before PA even became a state.
       4) The University of Michigan at Ann Arborhas an officially sanctioned Squirrel Club. Its sole purpose? To feed peanuts to squirrels. And it’s not as esoteric as you might think. It has 400 members and counting.
       5) Rice University has a puppy room dedicated to pet therapy for students during finals. UPenn Law School has setup a similar program with Penny the therapy dog. Except she’s just one dog. Oh, and she’s stuffed.
       6) Ohio University may be considered the most haunted school in the United States (and possibly the world?). Students who live in Wilson Hall, a reportedly haunted dorm, claim they have communicated with spirits and heard the rattling of door knobs. The dorm has even been featured on the show Scariest Places on Earth.
       俄亥俄大学可以说是全美最闹鬼的学校了,或者说,全世界最闹鬼的。住在Wilson Hall一个闹鬼房间的学生,说他们和灵魂交流过,并且不时听到门的乒乓响。这个房间甚至上了电视节目秀!
       7) Oberlin College’s Art Museum rents out original paintings from the greats, such as Renoir, Picasso and Pollock, to its students for $5 a semester. Beats my “The Scream” poster freshman year that I believe effectively conveyed the depth of my existential soul within a 24x36”space.
       欧柏林大学的艺术博物馆可以自己租借一副文件大家的名作,比如雷诺阿,毕加索。仅仅五美刀一学期!下面这幅图里面,Edvard Munch仿佛在尖叫着:“天哪!五美刀一学期?!!“