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来源:www.wdtwd.com        作者:沃得天下        时间:2016-11-14


       I recently read a series named Adventurers Wanted, which was really great. Unfortunately, there were only five books. The books were really enjoyable and un to read. They gave a scent of exploration which develops characters very well. Meanwhile, it’s also very entertaining, thereforeI suggest you take a peek at them at your sprae time. The series mainly focused on magic, dragons, wizards, trolls, goblins, and anything else that falls into the Dungeons and Dragons category. If you don’t know, Dungeons and Dragons is a game where it focuses on the“the older times” where you had only swords and bows. There were also a currency of gold and silver which you used to buy stuff to help you. You had to explore the lands and find treasure. This also included slaying beasts like trolls, goblins, dragons, and other monsters that come to face you. Anyways, the books are really enjoyable and they are really fun to read with some very interesting situations and problems that they have to solve. Early in the series, the stories starts out slow because they have to introduce everybody but once you’re done the first book or so, the stories that come after gat really exciting really quick. They involve the evolution of a young wizard that didn’t even know magic was real until he accidentally found himself travelling with others to slay a dragon. This character develops as time goes on and find some good cliffhangers. The books always want you to read the next one when you’re finished and crave more of the action of the books. The one I suggest the most is book three. I think it’s the most revealing and exciting plot to read in terms of revealing more story and the characters personalities. It also is a very compact book with a main goal and a lot of miniature side goals that they either accidentally stumbled upon or was part of the plan. Over all, the series is a very excitable series and I don’t think It’s for everybody but that most people will enjoy it. A well mixed genre and excitement and a lot of tug that will make you want more. I think focusing on Dungeons and dragons was a very well thought topic because it included a lot of adventure, excitement, and was practically exactly like the game except there was a main character to the story although I guess when you are playing the game, you are the main character. There is also another on the console and PC called Neverwinter. It is also Dungeons and Dragons but in a videogame where it is an open world type game with several different missions you can accomplish and side goals which both give you loot to collect and use in game. That's about all I have to say about this topic and the fact that the theme of medieval and magic. You can find stories like King Arthur. This topic is really great and I think you should go ahead and try it for yourself though you potentially might not like it, trying something new isn’t a bad idea.
       M.L Forman was born and raised in Utah and now resides in the foothills of the western Rockies. He tries to write as much as possible while still attending to his many other hobbies, such as fishing, camping, hiking, and almost anything that will allow him to enjoy the magic of nature. He is also the author of Slathbog s Gold, The Horn of Moran, and Albrek s Tomb, the first three books in the Adventurers Wanted series.

作者福曼先生出生并长大于犹他州,目前住在西洛基山的山丘一带。 他在尽量多产作品的同时,仍然在其他的爱好上投注了很多精力,钓鱼,野营,远足,以及几乎所有让他能够享受大自然魅力的事情。